Pattern Pyramid Giveaway

I am the lucky recipient of the patterns from the Pyramid started by Ann at Pretty Grievances. They arrived here in the UK via Australia from Velosewer. I can’t believe how lucky I am! I can take my choice from the patterns in the heap and replace them with my own pattern choices before selecting someone else to pass the bundle on to. By putting replacements in the bundle this makes the ‘pyramid’ into a ‘perpetual pyramid’ which should make it’s way about the globe forever – as long as whoever receives the bundle passes it on. I will eventually blog the garment I make from the heap but for now….

Pattern Pyramid

You could be the happy recipient of these patterns as the next stop in the chain. BUT there are some conditions.


  1. Anyone, anywhere can enter the giveaway by posting a comment below by midnight on Ssunday 11th November AND you must have an active blog.
  2. I will randomly select a winner.
  3. I will post this pack to the winner.
  4. Here’s the difference. Like poker you can pick any number of patterns and replace them with any number of patterns. I hope you can keep it interesting for the sewing community. Each winner will then host their own giveaway. They will randomly select a winner, post the remaining patterns to that Person C. Person C will pick a pattern for themselves, host their own giveaway and post the remaining patterns to the winner, Person D. Person D will…

You get the idea.

As Velosewer said ‘Karen from Did you make that? started this initiative and I know this in one that maybe one or two of you might be participate in. This pattern pile started by Ann was in honour of Karen’s initiative. Karen and Ann want to help global sewing and spreading the sewing love by sharing lots of patterns and we all can make something from this common pattern pool’. I think that the sentiment is great – and we all get a chance to be involved in a worldwide pattern swop.

I think I know which pattern(s) I would like to keep – and have a fair idea of what I will replace them with (it may even be a pattern  magazine – lots of choices there!). There is also a book that Anne included so that we can make a comment about our choices and chart the patterns progress around the globe. Some of them have already covered quite a few miles so far. Where are you? Will you be next?