Marching on

Yet again time has flown by without my noticing. March is a distant memory, and April is already well advanced – how come?!

I really have been sewing and knitting between just chilling and enjoying trips out with The Management. Evidence below.


Firstly we have a really grotty photograph (why does flash make it look so bad?) of The Management wearing the shirt made from the fabric bought from Mood Fabrics in New York. I used the self drafted pattern which has been made multiple times now and is very easy for me to knock out. I struggled a bit to find buttons that worked on this fabric until I turned one of my stash buttons upside down and discovered that it was perfect. I even had enough of them. Score!

This has been worn on so many occasions now that I can confirm that it is (apparently) very comfortable, and washes like a dream. He claims that it is the most comfortable in his wardrobe so I must have got something right. If you have an amazing memory I did wonder who’s fabric would be made up first. His, but I have cut out my jeans from the pin striped denim. They are waiting in a queue at the moment.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


Remember the Purl Soho Botanical Yoke sweater ? Finished, worn, and loved. How gorgeous is this? This version was made in  Drops cotton light and is perfect for right now but I really do want to knit another version in the recommended Cashmere and Merino mix. The actual yarn from Purl Soho is fabulous but I saw Colourmart in Shrewsbury mentioned in Kate from Fabrickateds blog and decided to check them out. Am I glad I did! I am lucky enough to live close enough to visit the unit they trade from and meet the lovely Sue. She showed me around in an attempt to find a yarn I liked but I got completely overwhelmed and had to come away just with samples to try before committing. I was even given a swift lesson in how to Navajo ply the yarn to bring it up to the thickness I needed. What service! The yarn I think I am going with is a very dark OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAblue, almost black, wool/cashmere mix which will need to be knitted using my new knowledge. Now that I know about Colourmart, and know I can collect orders from them if I am visiting Shrewsbury (and let’s face it – I can think of many excuses to do that!), I will definitely be using their services. Thanks Kate for drawing them to my attention. I even got this finished before The Management and I managed to sneak away to Cornwall for a week. Doesn’t it look good by the sea? (I ask because I want to go back again. And again..) The bucket hats I made from Rhondas blog got good use in the sunshine that week too 🙂 . The jumper was perfect because although the sun was shining magnificently there was a chill in the breeze. Well it is just April!


There has been sewing  too. I saw the lovely Demented Fairy  in Birmingham wearing this  Lynne Mizono Vogue 1410 pattern dress and knew I had to have it!


In my last post I showed some fabrics I had bought from Barrys bargain table. This grey was on there, and was described as ottoman but I didn’t get the exact fibre composition. There is a lot of stretch along the length of the fabric, and the stripes went across the width. I decided I preferred it turned sideways and there didn’t seem to be any reason why I shouldn’t. The pattern is very simple but I took issue with the idea that the neckline and armholes should just be turned and stitched so I used a self bias tape to neaten and finish them. I’m very happy with the result despite feeling like a dwarf after taking 5″ out from the length! The Management likes this too so there are certainly more in my future.


I made another version of Butterick 6388 , again dress length. You might recognise this as a piece from the last Birmingham trip too. This was a sample piece from the jersey stall that had a whopping great hole in the middle. I wasn’t certain this would fit from the piece but I managed to squeak it out. Again, I have worn this multiple times since I finished it. I put a very fine knitted interfacing into the collar this time as the others weren’t standing quite as as wanted them to. I’m much happier now. I think this piece cost me about £4 so I think I have a very good value dress now – only the thread and interfacing to add to that cost and that must have been pennies. Although we are now (allegedly) into Spring here in the UK I can imagine I will still get a bit more use out of this before it gets too warm.

Well I managed to actually make up two of the six pieces of fabric I bought in Birmingham before I went back and was led totally astray again by Fairy. Look at this lot! We did have another lovely day and it seemed rude not to join in the fabric buying. There is so much there that I’m not going to show it all this time – but I do promise to post again soon so you can see my treasure!

I have pre-washed all of this now so it is ready to use, I even have an idea of how I am going to use some of it. Whisper it but there is in excess of 12m in there. Well in excess. Oh my.

Till next time.



28 Comments on “Marching on”

  1. jay says:

    You have been busy! The detail on the yoke in the sweater is lovely. And so much else done, a shirt (buttonholes!), and two dresses. I’m very tempted by the LM dress, it looks like a pattern that woould suit no-one, yet is a winner on just about everyone.

    • Amazing output for me. You are so right about that LM dress! Despite its total shapelessness it’s wonderful, and it’s so easy 😉.
      The sweater is gorgeous and I can’t wait to knit it again.
      Buttonholes are easy with my vintage Singer attachment – just set it up and every one is exactly the same. Brilliant.

  2. Ah but how CHEAP Was that 12m? Hmmm? Pence. Can’t go wrong. I’ve just had a mammoth cutting out spree, including some of the goodies from the last couple of market jaunts. I still have miles to use up. Miles I tell you! *jibbers and froths a bit*

  3. CurlsnSkirls says:

    Oh, my – such goodies available cheap as chips! – am green with envy. A good lot of sewing & kntting accomplished and what a yarn treasure to locate so close. Will need to check further on your Vogue dress pattern as it looks soo comfy . . .

  4. tialys says:

    You have been busy both shopping and making. My favourites are the jumper – I would knit that in a heartbeat but the high neck wouldn’t suit me – and the Vogue dress. I’m sure The Management’s shirt is wonderful too and that he usually looks happier wearing it but the flash is not usually kind. How’s his quilt coming along?

  5. Roxane says:

    Glad to see you again! You have certainly been busy! Love the sweater. I have the izono pattern but haven’t made it. Glad to know that both you and Fairy like it.

  6. amcclure2014 says:

    All your makes are great. I’m intrigued by the comments about the LM dress. I had never considered it for me – yet it suits everybody? Mm

  7. Oh how I wish I could still knit – that jumper is gorgeous.

    The hem on your Lynn Mizono looks different to mine and I really like it. I wonder if it’s to do with where you took the length out? Mine is very much a puffball skirt look when hitched up and a lantern when not. Yours has a really nice draped effect.

    • I took 3″ out of the recommended shortening line and the extra 2″ straight off the bottom. I am about to cut another out from a redrawn pattern (taking into account the shortening) so you can see how that looks. I didn’t put any buttons inside as I didn’t think I was likely to use the feature. It’s an amazing dress and I can see it getting worn so often!

  8. Etemi says:

    Wow, you got so much done. That red jumper is to die for!

  9. Evie Jones says:

    Wow! You’ve been a busy bee indeed. Love everything, but the sweater is my fave of this bunch. The colour is awesome and I love the twisty neckline.

  10. fabrickated says:

    Gosh! This is what happens when a busy lady retires. What amazing work Kim. Of course I completely love the botanical jumper. I think I would like to make it but I haven’t tried cabling yet. Also exciting to hear about colourmart. I have been very pleased with everything I bought there, but it would be fun to visit it one day. I am also very impressed with your husband’s shirt. A real TNT pattern. Fabulous.

    • You would learn cabling in a heartbeat😃. This might not be the one to start with but it isn’t difficult. Colourmart is a great find – if you plan a visit ring them in advance to make certain someone sticks around. It’s a real eye opener though!

  11. Such a busy lady! I love the sweater colour and design – looks warm and cozy too. And look at all those bags – drool! I should go shopping today!


  13. […] the order I wanted from Colourmart. But I added some. I bought the navy/black that is to make the Botanical Yoke sweater again, but I added a lovely cream cashmere blend double knit (Backbone maybe?) and a 300g […]

  14. […] sweater. I had bought the yarn at Colourmart ages ago, the pattern had already been tested and worn here so I knew I liked it enough to repeat the experience. I started knitting whilst watching TV […]

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