Jungle January

Oh dear, again I am really late posting what I have made for Jungle January hosted by the lovely Anne at Pretty Grievances again.

I did join in a couple of years ago when I made a pair of zebra print leggings. I knew I had a bit of this fabric left and had been hoping to get it made into something, ANYTHING! I bought a pattern from Melissa at Fehr Trade which I loved but had totally forgotten buying (I’m sure there will be many more of these occasions as I trawl through the detritus in my stash – both fabric and patterns) and knew this was it.The VNA top was beautifully designed, the PDF pattern fitted together with no hitches when I traced it so I was ready to go. Until I was diverted by something else and lost my tracing. Anyone else as disorganised as me?

I searched high and low, gave up and traced again – measuring myself again and discovering I needed the size smaller than I had traced anyway. Probably just as well it got lost. Anyhoo, this exercise vest was made entirely from ‘scrap’ fabric as the zebras were leggings leftovers, and the contrast black section was from a client project that left lots of chunks of black lycra. The sewing instructions were very clear, and the point at centre back is a particular delight. It probably took less time to cut out and sew than I spent searching for the original tracing.I have worn this a couple of times out running and to my yoga class and it performs beautifully – but as Melissa is an experienced runner herself I wouldn’t have expected any less. I love this and will certainly be making more as I prefer vests to t-shirts when exercising but I will reduce the hip circumference a little (I basically have no hips).

Feeling flushed with success I cut out a top from Butterick 6388 which I bought a while back when it was on sale. I loved the neckline and thought it would be absolutely perfect for the bleak grey weather we are having. Again the fabric is leftover from another project – Fadanistas Sneaky Shrug. The fabric was dirt cheap from Birmingham Market so I have absolutley no idea exactly what it is – but I have washed it and it survived, it has a bit of silver twinkle in it, and it has a leopard print. What more can you ask? I have worn this combination of leopard top and warm leggings (not blogged yet) pretty much since they were finished. I love them both – expect to see more. Sorry it’s such a lousy mirror selfie but I took it very quickly to be able to get it posted.



I have done more in January but the whole idea of retirement has gone to my head and I haven’t been taking photographs or blogging (although I have been trying – and largely failing – to keep up with reading blogs). I promise to update the January makes very soon. Honestly promise.

Kim 🙂




37 Comments on “Jungle January”

  1. Ann Webber says:

    Yes, who knows what stash you might uncover in the coming year?! I know what you mean about January blogging. I’m nearly ready time go but tomorrow is February….

  2. Glad to see another Brummy buy getting used! I adore the digital print zebras, [well, I used it for three tops and wear them all the time] and keep checking MyFabrics to see if they get more…no luck yet, bah humbug!

  3. sewbussted says:

    You’re in a transition period, so be sure to enjoy the quiet and change of pace.
    Cute top. I always think it’s a real success when I make something that I literally want to live it.

    • I am having such a good time. Plans have gone out of the window and I am doing what feels right – and it feels so good 🙂
      You are so right about wanting to live in things you are happy with. I’m already thinking about other versions of the knit top.

  4. karen says:

    Retirement is supposed to be lais back, otherwise you might just as well be working at a job, with all the stress that goes with it. Give yourself some breathing time. Enjoy the sewing process, whther you get to blog about it or not. Sewing should be for relaxing, not stressing.

  5. tialys says:

    Yes, enjoy your slowing down process and don’t stress about us – as long as you let us know you’re O.K. every now and again, we won’t worry.

  6. sewchet says:

    Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do in retirement – whatever suits you?! Love the pattern for the dress/top; thanks for introducing us to it:)

  7. Fadanista says:

    Isn’t retirement just wonderful? Loving your makes, and looking forward to seeing lots more 😉

  8. amcclure2014 says:

    Great makes. I love that neckline. Retirement does lead to a lot of changes, not all expected – embrace it. Enjoy it.

  9. Jo says:

    I love the zebra fabric, what a great design and it looks fabulous made up in to a top.

  10. mrsmole says:

    Love the pattern with that cool stand-up collar…would hide a lot of neck wrinkles, if you had any! I envy your retirement and time for personal exercise. Relax and adjust to changing times and situations…we all have ups and downs when it comes to sewing…sometimes the brain needs some vacancy to get creative. I do the same thing with patterns…buy the same one twice without finding the first one!

    • Oh, I have wrinkles Mrs Mole! I realise just how lucky I am to be able to retire. Sewing for me is getting to be fun again, and I’m even clearing out some of the household jobs that have been waiting longer than you would believe 😉
      Thankfully I only had to trace off the PDF again rather than buying the pattern again – but I would really like to know where the original went. It’s probably in a black hole with a whole load of other stuff that has gone ‘walkabout’!

  11. CeeJayKay says:

    Not jealous at ALL Crock1!!! 😂

  12. Lucky you! I wish the idea of retirement would go to my head! Keep having fun!

  13. Looking very fabulous indeed!

  14. Isn’t retirement quite recently awesome? Adoring your makes, and anticipating seeing parts more…

  15. Isn’t retirement quite recently brilliant? Adoring your makes, and anticipating seeing parcels more..

  16. Yes, make the most of your backing off process and don’t worry about us – the length of you let us know you’re O.K. from time to time, we won’t worry….

  17. Roxane says:

    Between you and fadanista, I’m seeing a lot of fantastic knit tops. I have one in the queue, but first I have to do the denim jacket that has been lying on the table, all cut out, for about a month now. Himself is going fishing tomorrow, and I am determined to spend the time sewing.

  18. Thimberlina says:

    And you’ll be wondering however did you find the time to work! I need more vna tops and thinking I’ll be in the same boat as you – not sure where my traced off pattern is but probably needing to down size! 😃😃 looking forward to seeing what else you’ve been up to 😃

  19. […] Trade VNA sports top and the self drafted warm ‘leggings/trousers’. The top was blogged here as my Jungle January garment but I never blogged the trousers. They were made from warm lycra from […]

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